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The golden rule, and the importance of respecting one's neighbours

I own property. It is private property, and I can do what I want with it.

Daycare's closure a sign of the times

The closure of the Kaatza Child Care and Early Learning Centre is one of many symptoms of our diseased provincial system.

Volunteers make our community what it is

There have been numerous activities around the community lately. The larger ones included the 10th Annual Great Lake Walk and the 30th Annual Appollos Slo-Pitch Tournament.

Lake Cowichan Terry Fox Run a phenomenal success

A much appreciated thank you to all the volunteers and participants in our Cowichan Lake Terry Fox Run, Sunday, September 11. Our local Retreads Hiking Club organized the Run with 51 participants and 34 volunteers raising a total of $1,671.62 for cancer research.

Smart Meters debate engaging

This Smart Meters debate re-opens the need yet again for the governments and organizations we need and trust to remain transparent in their operations.

Misleading information presented to council regarding Smart Meters

Last week, Ted Olnyk gave town council BC Hydro’s take on the new wireless “smart meters” they are installing in every building in BC. Much of the information he presented was wrong or misleading.

Flag-lowering complaint a silly waste of time

I am appalled that people would actually write a letter to the editor regarding flying the flags at half mast.

Lack of town respect for Jack Layton has been vastly over-stated

I would like to respond to the letters written by Gerard Berg and Graham Brawnell, in the August 31 issue of the Gazette.

Town council wants your input on South Shore road project

Construction on the eco-friendly parking lot for the arena has begun, and will contribute to improving our town’s appearance.

Zero blood alcohol content while driving is best

There seems to be a disproportionately high number of Cowichan Lake area residents making appearances at the Duncan Law Courts lately. The charges are, for the most part, assaults (likely a result of drinking) and incidences of drunk driving.