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Vancouver Canucks flag raised at B.C. Legislative ahead of second round series

Premier David Eby and many MLAs were in attendance
A Vancouver Canucks flag was raised at the B.C. Legislative on Tuesday, May 7. (Jake Romphf/Vic News)

Ahead of the Vancouver Canucks second round match-up against the Edmonton Oilers, a Canucks flag was raised at B.C.’s legislative on Tuesday, May 7.

Team mascot Fin was in attendance as well as retired NHL player and Canucks advocate, Kirk McLean.

The flag was risen with Premier David Eby, BC Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Lana Popham, B.C. Legislative Speaker Raj Chouhan and MLAs from across the province.

The Canucks and Oilers open their series on Wednesday, May 8 at Rogers Arena.

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