On a trip to Gabriola Golf Course during the week of May 8, the March Meadows senior golf group had mixed day.
Graeme Cockle won the only points gained by the March Meadows Team. Things went from bad to worse when the return ferry was delayed for five hours. We look forward to the return match next week. Mike Morgan, our team leader, figures our local knowledge will help us win a few more matches.
On the regular senior golf day, May 15, Earl Laforge shot the low gross score and John White was the low net winner. John also had a KP (closest to the pin) on the first hole, while Jerry Janzen had a KP on the seventh hole.
Henry Monti and Bruce Chisholm had birdies. Chisholm, Bob Vessey and Lance Lingren scored sandy pars.
On May 15, the March Meadows senior men’s team managed a tie game with the visiting Gabriola team in slightly damp conditions.
Bruce Chisholm shot the low gross round of the day and Ray Bourassa was low net. Mike Morgan captured KP on hole number one, while Gerry Janzen was KP on number seven. Ray had a sandy par and Rick Nott had a birdie. Chip-in pars were accomplished by Rick Nott, Glen Richardson and Leo Tardiff.
The week of May 22 was the qualifying round for the Senior Men Match Play Championship. The Duffer says there are two kinds of bounces in golf: unfair bounces and those that bounce just the way you meant to play it.
May 29, will be the qualifying round for the Senior Mens’ Match Play Championship. The course is in beautiful shape so come on out.
As the Duffer says, “Try your skill against your opponent’s luck”.
Senior Golf Results for May 15
Low gross -Earl Laforge
Low net -John White
KP #1 -John White
KP #7 -Jerry Janzen
Birdies -Henry Monti, -Bruce Chisholm
Sandy Par -Bruce Chisholm, -Bob Vessey, -Lance Lingren
_submitted Rick Nott