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Why no Canadian TV hockey?

The only Canadian team I can watch with regularity are the Vancouver Canucks.

Why no Canadian TV hockey?

So obviously there are enough comments on the Duncan homeless, the pending election and climate change.

My issue, of little value to some with loftier social concerns, is regarding the Canadian hockey content available on network television. I find it odd and very frustrating that I can watch two American teams play on almost any evening during the week. However the only Canadian team I can watch with regularity are the Vancouver Canucks. Well they are not my favourite! I do know a lot of hockey fans that feel the same way.

I realize that the provider of this Canadian past time wants to make even more money and have fans purchase the NHL package option.

Well folks, this reeks of a monopoly! And this is where the CRTC, by its very mandate must step in, do its job, which is ensuring the availability of Canadian content as a standard offering.

No more blackouts ever!

Keep your stick on the ice!

Scott Hayden-Luck
