Hockey needs real penalties for misbehaviour
When one is chosen to be part of a national team, one needs to appreciate and realize the honour of representing one’s country. It’s therefore upsetting to read how some members of the 2018 Junior Hockey team were not able to keep their raging hormones in check! Shame on you!
Don’t these players realize that they are role models, that the whole hockey world is watching them? And to have management not deal with this issue appropriately is even more deplorable!
I feel very strongly that the players need to know ahead what the results of such misbehaviour are. I’m suggesting scrapping them off the players list, sending them home with a message to their parents! Delaying their eligibility for NHL draft and probationary time. Penalize their behaviour or they’ll get away with a “Boys will be boys!” wag of the finger! You are supposed to be sportsmen, so behave in a sportsmanlike manner or you may not have a spot on the roster! Simple as that.
Judy van der Boom
Mill Bay