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Considerations for the future development of the Cowichan region

Let’s consider limiting new builds…a yearly quota?

Considerations for the future development of the Cowichan region

This region is rich in potential, it is a very desirable place to live, and most people enjoy their present lifestyle here. This puts an onus on the decision makers to try to keep it that way.

What if we developed high criteria to be selective in who develops what, and how.

Let’s be the directors of development and not the developed by the highest bidder. This is a gentle invitation to make thoughtful and premeditative decisions, not based on a desperate mentality to sell out to any interested development proposal:

• Let’s consider making it mandatory for every future commercial or residential development to install a functioning alternative power source

• Let’s consider incentives to install some form of alternative power to existing developments

• Let’s consider making it mandatory for every new private residence build to install a suite or a comparable for more housing options

• Let’s consider providing serious incentives for exisiting single family residences to install alternative power and to renovate for a new suite

• Let’s consider making it viable for big retiring farms to be divided into smaller farms to encourage new farmers to get growing

• Let’s consider making community gardens an integral part of every housing development

• Let’s consider limiting new builds…a yearly quota?

• Let’s consider installing a dedicated left turn light at every exisiting intersection which already has a dedicated left turn lane

• Let’s consider making it mandatory for unsellable organics to be redirected from the landfill

If we think on things, promote them and act on them, we may continue to enjoy this beautiful region for many many many years to come.

Betty Worthy
