We’ve all felt long moments of stress and isolation over the last two years, but it’s been particularly hard on youth. In a time meant for exploration, discovery and social development, children and teens have been cut off from friends, classmates and those who understand them best. For youth living in unstable or unsupportive homes, spending extra time inside only added to pandemic stress.
Through it all, Big Brothers Big Sisters kept building connections between ‘Bigs’ and ‘Littles’ across BC. They used video conferencing and other virtual platforms to help mentors and mentees get together. They came up with creative ways to schedule outdoor meet-ups where youth could feel safe and supported. Now they’re celebrating the return of in-person school programs and investing in new mentorship matches.
To help grow these programs and continue supporting youth across BC, 11 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies are coming together to host The Big BC Lotto. Buy your tickets now for a chance to win half the jackpot in a classic 50/50 draw!
- 3 tickets for $25, 8 tickets for $50, or 20 tickets for $100
- Draw to take place at 12 p.m. PST on May 13, 2022
- 16,600 tickets available, the more you buy the better your chances of winning!
- Buy your tickets today by visiting bigbclotto.ca and visiting the secure Trellis site.
Proceeds from the draw will be evenly divided between the 11 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies serving BC.

“We serve over 7000 youth across the province, and the funds raised from the Big BC Lotto will directly support matching more Bigs and Littles,” says Andrée Nash, Events Officers for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Vancouver. “This is the third time since the spring of 2021 that all 11 agencies have come together for a 50/50 lottery, and each one has been a great success.”
The 11 agencies know they’re #BiggerTogether, and that connecting their fundraising efforts will help connect more isolated youth with the love and support they deserve. Will you connect with the cause, to help your community and have a chance to win big?
Buy your 50/50 tickets now at bigbclotto.ca! Winner receives 50 per cent of the jackpot at 11:59 p.m. PST on May 12, 2022. The draw takes place the next day, May 13, 2022 at noon, and the winner will be announced at bigbclotto.ca and on participating Big Brothers Big Sisters’ social media channels.
Know your limit play within it! Must be a resident of BC to enter. 19+ to play!