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Where are the sports?

Due to my sports writer background, I thrive on reporting and writing on all sports conceivable by the human imagination.

Tis the season to volunteer

Tis the season to volunteer As December begins this week, Christmas inevitably floats into the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Regional district needs some serious work

It’s almost as though the Cowichan Valley Regional District’s elected officials are deliberately feeding critics fodder.

Cats up to a feral wild party

The following letter is in response to the letter “Town resident finds reasons….” of the October 5 Gazette.

Gazette editor leaves for colder pastures

Lake Cowichan Gazette editor Tyler Clarke is moving on to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.

Celebrating Cowichan Lake area heroes

They don’t have Spider-Man’s spider sense, or Batman’s neat gizmos, but Cowichan Lake’s volunteer firefighters are super heroes none the less.

Whoopie: A chicken in every pot!

The noise was horrendous, loud barking, running back and forth, and slobbering at the window.

Local watershed issues are everybody's responsibility

I was recently told that some of the owners of properties that were cleared many years ago felt that I was chastising them with my articles in the newspapers.

Town resident finds reasons to suspect someone of offing his cats

We have a cat problem in Lake Cowichan.

The golden rule, and the importance of respecting one's neighbours

I own property. It is private property, and I can do what I want with it.