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Here we go again

Vi Davidson writes about the chaos of road work, past and present.

Keep up the good work

Laurie Johnson writes in support of council's streetscape project

Don’t worry about the hen-house; get your eggs in a row

It’s interesting to watch the issues that local residents choose to focus on.

We are a dirty bunch

I got thinking about the amount of waste we create as a society and as individuals on a daily basis.

Huge waste of tax dollars

I am very concerned about who dreamt up the ridiculous idea of work on South Shore Road. There will be troubles to come.

It is not the crosswalks that are the problem

The danger to pedestrians has nothing to do with the visibility or the materials of the crosswalks.

Drivers, get some road sense

We are nearing the end of summer and still have one more long weekend to go before school begins.

What merits a bylaw revision

Everyone in town might decide they are too sick to maintain their own boulevards.

Waterways barometer of health of our environment

After the very wet spring , it seems hard to believe that island communities may face water restrictions before the end of the summer.

Don’t make a garbage pit out of your own backyard

Where to dump garbage is a “dirty,” (pardon the pun) issue in any community.