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Peewee Caps battle for Island title at Fuller Lake this Saturday

The peewee Tier 2 Cowichan Valley Capitals will have a chance to claim the Island banner and clinch a berth in the provincial championships when they host Victoria Racquet Club at Fuller Lake Arena this Saturday at 3 p.m.

The peewee Tier 2 Cowichan Valley Capitals will have a chance to claim the Island banner and clinch a berth in the provincial championships when they host Victoria Racquet Club at Fuller Lake Arena this Saturday at 3 p.m.

The Capitals took the first game of the best-of-three Island final 5-4 in Victoria last Saturday, and can end the series with a victory at home this weekend.

If a third game is required, the teams will meet again in Victoria on Sunday.

Fans who attend Saturday’s game at Fuller Lake are encouraged to wear red to support the Capitals.