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Time does not start with zero

It, time, is based upon orbits of the Sun

Time does not start with zero

Re: Decade debate

While R.C. Bayley is correct in saying that counting can begin at zero (0), time does not.

Time cannot have started at year zero. Why? Because 365 and one quarter days must elapse before we start counting in years.

We have seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months and then on the 366th day, at 00.00.01 hours we have completed one year and have begun the second year.

It, time, is based upon orbits of the Sun, which of course takes 365 and on quarter days. Which explains the concept of “leap year”?

The premise expounded in your Jan. 24 edition also forgets that zero to Dec. 31, 2019 is 3,285 days, not including leap years, whereas a decade is 3,650 days, again not including leap years.

Ian Kimm
