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There is no War on Christmas

There’s nothing hypocritical — as a recent writer wrote — about not celebrating Christmas.

There is no War on Christmas

I’m so tired of the whining about the so-called War on Christmas, and those who freak out if people don’t wish to live as if it was still 1950.

I’m 73 and I’m an atheist. I don’t celebrate any religious aspect of Christmas, and the massive over-consumption fest is appalling. There’s nothing hypocritical — as a recent writer wrote — about not celebrating Christmas. If anything, it’s hypocritical to celebrate it if one is not a deeply committed Christian. It has nothing to do with being left or right wing in your politics. As far as the “cherished Canadian culture” goes, like it or not, culture changes, and I’ve evolved in my thinking continually throughout my life — unlike many, apparently.

It’s totally bizarre that the Christmas season is sold as this time of love, reflection, good will, and happy family times, yet it’s the only time of year when the media is guaranteed to write articles on how to avoid stress and conflict at this so-called wonderful time of year. Does no one else understand the irony of this?

Christmas lovers, you’re welcome to celebrate Christmas in any way you like, and bust out your credit cards in the process, but don’t castigate me for not joining you in the annual collective dysfunctional insanity.

There is no “War on Christmas.” There is just a normal and healthy evolution of our thinking and approach to things political, scientific, religious, artistic, economic, etc.

Paul Harris
