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Tax extraction for cars

Now you can fully understand why there never will be a return to an Island train line.

Tax extraction for cars

R. Calderwood writes of greed by the oil companies. He must know that the provincial governments are in with them, hook line and sinker! Thus enabling a restocking of the slush fund. This is one of the best means of legally scalping the public to produce an improvement in the bottom line!

Now you can fully understand why there never will be a return to an Island train line. It always will have poor taxable returns compared to an Island highway. The more vehicles on the road produces a manifold value every minute of each day, for instance, costs of supporting mobility using cars and trucks, fixing damage caused by accidents, general repair work and maintenance, tires, pavement, police (highway patrols), hospitals, highway maintenance — it goes on and on. All of these items are taxable. The railroad hasn’t got a chance; it cannot compare their tax extraction to that of the car!

George Manners

Cowichan Bay