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Stop instilling fear in children

Stop the blame game and start taking some positive realistic action to make their future brighter.

Stop instilling fear in children

A challenge to the United Nations and self-serving environmental groups.

I have sat back quietly observing the climate change hysteria but finally — enough is enough!

The Greta Thurnberg thing (a young girl foreign country no less) appears to have started a wave of “wanna be” advocates for demonizing adults of all stripes under the broad heading of climate change. These kids are being propped up and used by well-financed global environmental groups to attack adults with proven life skills and experience. Young impressionable minds are being manipulated by the educational system through fear and promotion of an exaggerated, unrealistic mantle of self righteous indignation and victimhood.

Stop the blame game and start taking some positive realistic action to make their future brighter. Stop using and abusing children.

Stop wasting the taxpayers’ money on frivolous, self serving, politically motivated lawsuits and encourage kids to put a full week in school instead of taking Fridays off for politically staged environmental events.


Murray Cantelon

Cobble Hill