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Proposed housing function would go on forever

If the CHA was an upcoming business, I would not feel confident to invest in it.

Proposed housing function would go on forever

Re: A tiny down payment for affordable housing.

I disagree with Keith Simmonds, in his letter in the Citizen dated Sept. 14, that a small, limited time, short term contribution from us is required to provide a tiny downpayment as seed money to entice the other governments to contribute towards affordable housing.

The bylaw proposed by the CVRD is not for a limited time. It will go on forever and ever. In addition, all regional governments are empowered by the provincial government to increase the cost of any service, up to a whopping 25 per cent, every five years without having to get permission from the constituents.

I attended two meetings in regards to affordable housing. I can only state that, if the CHA was an upcoming business, I would not feel confident to invest in it.

Hubert Crevels

Lake Cowichan