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Poop marring beautiful environment

In my loud gentle voice I say to you, please clean up after you or your animal friend.

Poop marring beautiful environment

My walk can take me by the mighty Cowichan River or by the powerful waters of Cowichan Bay. We are so blessed to be in this majestic land of the Cowichan Valley.

The other day I saw two Yuhwule’ (eagles) side by side on a pole. The swallows feeding off the smoothness of the marsh. The slender Smaqwu’ (blue heron) standing powerful. So gentle on the ear to hear the symphony of the feathered relations. The qa’ (water) with the many waves coming in to fill the beach. With the walk I can absorb all the peace and beauty of the land and water.

My pet peeve is, I have to be careful where I step. There is so much animal poop left behind, not only by the beach, I have also seen poop in the fields or lawns of our city.

I parked in one place by the ocean to ready for my walk and saw human poop.

In my loud gentle voice I say to you, please clean up after you or your animal friend.

Huy ch q’u (thank you)

