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NDP-Liberal deal undemocrat

Parliament is NOT a negotiation. It is an essential service of our democracy.

NDP-Liberal deal undemocratic

The NDP supported the Liberals’ motion to suspend parliament until Sept. 21. In a backroom deal, the NDP supported the motion in exchange for a 10-day sick leave program. A program that has not even been thought out. One big question is, who is going to pay for this? This is what corrupt governments do. Justin Trudeau has said he “likes how the Chinese get things done.”

Parliament is NOT a negotiation. It is an essential service of our democracy. This latest stunt is the NDP and the Liberal parties playing a game of how they can rule a country without having to answer to anyone. In other words, bypass democracy completely. This means less time for parliamentarians to scrutinize government spending. The deal will limit a House of Commons review of billions of dollars in new spending to no more than four hours. This means another four months of only a COVID-19 committee sitting in the house that can only ask questions about COVID-19.

Prime ministers are elected to represent their constituents, not hide in their cottage, and only come out to an empty audience to announce billions of borrowed dollars that has not gone through the proper channels and scrutiny. He only answers prepared questions from selected media. All other democratic countries are sitting with less numbers, respecting their citizens and abiding by the democratic laws and process.

It appears that the NDP feel 10-day sick leave is more important than democracy. (And Trudeau was so desperate to suspend parliament that he succumbed to the NDP’s extortion). If they really feel strongly about this issue, then do it through the proper channels of our democratic rules, not jam it down our throats like a socialist government where the people don’t have a voice.

It doesn’t matter what stripe you voted for; this type of deal is NOT democratic.

Y. Hailey
