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Letter: Time to transition to renewable energy

The oil and gas industry is heavily subsidized by governments

Time to transition to renewable energy

I continue to read many peer-reviewed publications by scientists from around the world. There is no doubt that climate change is real, and that it is happening faster than it ever has before in the history of the planet. We know this from looking at ice cores. We also know that we have been putting much more carbon into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution. That’s when we started burning fossil fuels: oil, coal and gas. Yes, natural gas is natural, but it is also a fossil fuel. Its extraction, fracking, uses copious amounts of water, and methane is released. Methane’s global warming potential is around 25 times that of CO2. It is global warming that is causing our climate to change. Burning fossil fuels is accelerating the warming and climate change.

The oil and gas industry is heavily subsidized by governments. They use our tax dollars to do so. It is no wonder that they are lobbying the government to keep things as is. They even create bogus environmental organizations that say it is OK for us to continue to burn fossil fuels.

Renewable energy is secure, reliable, affordable. We need a just transition now.

Diana Hardacker
