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Letter: A few common scams on seniors

Convincing elderly homeowners that the paved driveway at their residence needs to be seal coated

A few common scams on seniors

The latest scam is convincing elderly homeowners that the paved driveway at their residence needs to be seal coated. The contractor spray coats the entire driveway, moss cover, weeds and all. If this was a necessity, and had value, wouldn’t the paved roads everywhere be seal coated?

The scam a few years ago in our area was convincing homeowners with gravel driveways that for a sizeable sum the contractor would lay pavement. The contractor would ask for payment up front with a promise to return to pave the driveway. All that was provided was recycled asphalt (much like gravel) that was dumped on the driveway and levelled out.

A scam some elderly people fell for a few years ago appealed to their cleanliness. They were convinced to pay $3,500 for a simple air filter to clean the air in their residence. Similar units can be purchased almost anywhere for a few hundred dollars.

Mike Wilkinson
