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Kudos to the municipal crews who cleared the snow

Well, this was rather an unfair attack on our valuable municipal crews!

Kudos to the municipal crews who cleared the snow

Re: “Plow driver has no idea how to properly clear snow”, (Citizen, Feb. 20)

I must respond…

Well, this was rather an unfair attack on our valuable municipal crews! Quite the abusive and uncalled for tirade to see in print.

Considering the significant snowfall we had in a relatively short period of time, it seems to me that the plowing overall, was done quite effectively.

While road conditions may have been far less than ideal on many of our residential streets, one only has to look at the overall situation.

Priority was given to the busier roads and routes for essential services, giving us access to our necessary resources. This certainly makes sense.

There are not unlimited coffers to cover the desirable levels of road clearing, so let’s be realistic!

There are times when we are all inconvenienced to some degree, by what nature or other circumstances deliver. That’s life!

We cope and help each other out. Thanks to good neighbourly gestures and community spirit, we manage and thrive.

Most of us are grateful for the concerted efforts shown by our municipal crews. KUDOS to them.

Louise Rueger
