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Huge waste of tax dollars

I am very concerned about who dreamt up the ridiculous idea of work on South Shore Road. There will be troubles to come.

I am very concerned about who dreamt up the ridiculous  idea of work on South Shore Road. There will be troubles to come.

A letter written in last weeks Gazette made comments about this bad idea. More people should join in. It starts at the Esso, and is getting worse as you travel into town. For example: at the south end of bridge. A person turning left onto King George, will cause a traffic jam on the bridge. Cars coming towards the bridge are holding back the person from turning left. It was much better before that bunch of cement was poured out from the sidewalk. Drivers could always pass on the right side. Now they can’t.

Results: traffic jam and a very unsafe situation. If an ambulance or fire truck had to get by this mess, they couldn’t, and maybe it is those few critical  minutes  that could save a life in an emergency.

What was the powers-that-be thinking when this project was approved? Or, not thinking? All this money should have gone into the circle at east end of bridge, or something to make that intersection safer. I would like to see the Gazette put a survey in the newspaper on who likes and who doesn’t like the work being done on South Shore Road.

Sandy Kell

Lake Cowichan