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EMF worries? Look at cell phones

I have put my cell to sleep, carry it when out of the house, shut off unless an emergency.

EMF worries? Look at cell phones

I am so pleased that my “Chicken Little” letter created so much interest. Now that so many are aware of our radiation infusion let’s take a look at it.

In our classrooms there are so many cell phones on and texting, how about tests there? How about having local testing in this Valley? What about the new blood sugar test strapped to your arm and read on your cell or computer? Cars are getting more electronically controlling crap, even self-driving is coming.

I could give you a list of many pages but all you have to do is look around. Most problems are easy to solve. Don’t give your kid a cell phone, no more cyberbulling, more attention in the classroom.

I have put my cell to sleep, carry it when out of the house, shut off unless an emergency. A few days ago I was in a bank lineup and seven of the eight in front of me were on their cell, many are so addicted.

John McDonald
