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Critical thinking vs. denial

I should not be surprised that the dumbed down masses remain in denial of the evidence all around us

Critical thinking vs. denial

Are politicians just puppets of powerful business people?

George Carlin said, “Forget the politicians, It’s the big wealthy business interests that control everything and make all the important decisions.” He believed the education system had been deliberately dumbed down so the population would be incapable of critical thinking or forming their own opinions. “Just smart enough to operate the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept that the game is rigged.” And “if you so much as entertain the idea that powerful people might get together and have a plan, you’re a kook, a conspiracy buff.”

So, ARE politicians really just the puppets of powerful business people, or was Carlin a conspiracy kook? Let’s use our critical thinking skills and examine some fact-based evidence.

A conspiracy is defined as “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful” and therefore the conspirators can be defined as psychopaths and also as organized crime.

Corporations are known for putting profits ahead of people and are psychopathic by design as they are purely self-interested, incapable of concern for others, amoral, and without conscience.

Of the thousands of big corporations worldwide, about 50 of them own and control all the others. With so much wealth and power consolidated into such few hands, big business psychopaths could potentially subvert the democracy and justice of entire nations with campaign contributions, bribery, blackmail, assassinations and other nefarious acts. Corporations could then potentially control the military, energy and resources, education, medicine, agriculture, media, entertainment and even what citizens think and believe. Countries who might resist the global corporate takeover could potentially become susceptible to terror, war, starvation or disease until compliance is met.

Looking at the state of the world today, I find the evidence overwhelmingly in favour of Carlin’s theory that “Elections and politicians are in place to give us the illusion of choice.” He said, “You don’t have choice. You have owners and they don’t care about you.” I guess I should not be surprised that the dumbed down masses remain in denial of the evidence that is all around us, for as Mark Twain once said, “No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.”

George Carlin, who was posthumously awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, was arguably one of the greatest comedians and social commentators to ever take the stage. He didn’t need facts; people laughed because they recognized the undeniable truth in his observations. And, as Mark Twain himself said, “Facts and truth really don’t have much to do with each other.”

David Work

Lake Cowichan