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Carl Weber column: Chiropractic works

But people vote with their feet. They’re filling chiropractic offices.

By Carl Weber

People are catching on to the amazing health benefits that chiropractic care can provide. This, despite the fact that it endures in the health marketplace without the full support of the existing sick care industry or the financial support of the government.

Yet chiropractic is amazing! Every week I catch myself shaking my head in awe when I see something seemingly impossible take place.

Laura (not her real name), at age 60, had really beaten up her spine during her lifetime. She was in moderate to severe chronic pain and to complicate matters, she suffered from Graves’ Disease, an over activity of the thyroid gland. Laura had been diagnosed with the disease after both hands began shaking. Her right eye developed tracking problems as well.

On this particular Monday morning, after a total of seven adjustments, she looked at me and said, “I feel great overall Dr. Carl. I can’t believe it. Even my breathing is better. But my right eye is really sore and my right hand is shaking.”

I adjusted her and right away she commented that her eye hurt less. As she sat up, her right eye tracked my finger perfectly. I asked her to hold her right hand up. It had stopped shaking!

Wow! It was another one of those “aha” moments for me. But was she cured? No, her symptoms could return. And was I trying to cure her of Graves’ Disease? Absolutely not! I was adjusting her spine to help restore the proper nerve supply and thus the proper function to her body while she received medical care for the disease. Chiropractors don’t treat disease, we turn on life. As long as there is more right with a person than wrong with them, the nervous system can assist in healing the “dis-eased” area. We help get and then keep people well.

Chiropractic has exploded in popularity. This despite the slamming it gets in the media and the lack of support it gets from our sickness care system. But people vote with their feet. They’re filling chiropractic offices. Chiropractic works! Every day, everywhere. I can’t wait to start adjusting tomorrow!

Aloha and peace

Dr. Carl Weber, B.P.E. (Hon), DC, is a chiropractor at Lake Cowichan Chiropractic, 85 Darnell Rd. Contact them at 250-749-3393 or check the out on the internet at