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Canadian governments dropped the ball on COVID-19 response

The government is now in the planning stages of the Emergency Act which will only erode our freedoms

Canadian governments dropped the ball on COVID-19 response

Well once again both levels (federal and provincial) of our socialist governments have dropped the ball on what could become the worst pandemic in history!

First off, as soon as we saw China building huge hospitals in a short period of time I knew this was bad; why didn’t the government? China is one of the most secretive countries in the world, this was the biggest clue that this was bad, but no response from Globalist Trudeau and his crew. If we would have closed the borders and overseas flights as soon as China did this we would have stopped a big part of this issue; now we have to play catch up. They are still allowing the RCMP to be baggage handlers for these border jumpers instead of turning them around.

The government is now in the planning stages of the Emergency Act which will only erode our freedoms; you must remember the Emergency Act will invoke UN/New World Order Control of Canada, something that socialists are salivating over. I’d highly suggest you go online and see what powers this will give the government and police!

We have the economy in crisis and what is their fix? Spending tax dollars they don’t have; it’s bad enough that the government can’t balance a budget, here’s free money that your great-great-grandchildren can be burdened with.

Trudeau was the one that always said Mr. Harper was going to put the military on our streets like his old man did in Quebec. Guess what, it’s going to be a common thing across Canada before long.

The media is enabling all governments by not giving the whole truth. Just talk to anyone in the healthcare system right now, they will tell you the truth about how bad things really are. I feel so sorry for anyone in healthcare right now, they cannot get caught up or get a break, just imagine what the next month is going to bring.

Time to wake up Canada and see what is really going on here.

B.W. Lowe
