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Another inconvenient truth

Now we are asleep and addicted to our smart phones.

Another inconvenient truth

We all love our technology including cell phones, Wi-Fi and the internet.

It used to be that cell phone service came via 1G microwave signal from a far distant, out of harm’s way, cell phone tower.

As we became more dependent on our smart devices we began to complain about shadow zones where we lost reception while talking handsfree to our aging parents whilst driving home in commuter traffic.

Industry responded by adding more powerful 3G towers in built up urban areas and along our highways.

One day, scientists were asked to do research on the effects of microwave radiation coming from cell phone towers on the health of humans.

As no one was willing to sit in front of microwave radiation for long periods of time they used rats. One hundred per cent of the rats developed malignant tumours. This study was kept under wraps for 20 years.

Meanwhile, industry was asked to study microwave radiation (MR) to verify its safety in humans.

They decided that only thermal effects (vibrating water molecules, i.e. cooking!) should be counted as likely to cause harm to humans. More subtle effects such as cancer were not deemed significant to these physicists.

The government enshrined these technological inconveniences under Safety Code 6.

Danger Code 6, developed by industry, endorsed by the federal government, is flaunted frequently by ignorant politicians at all levels, who should know better, to extoll the safety of MR.

The inconvenient truth of untold studies demonstrating cancer clusters within one kilometre of cell phone towers is relegated to paranoiac citizens.

Now we are asleep and addicted to our smart phones.

Industry could see the future in more MR technology and developed 5G (a more powerful and unstudied type of MR but still protected under Safety Code 6)

No one knew why we needed 5G technology except perhaps to guide our autonomous cars or for surgeons to do remote surgery downtown in your apartment but they assured us that we would soon find a reason (your dishwasher likes to send reports to its manufacturer by the way).

Fibre optic cables crossing our towns sounded like a fabulous idea to reduce the amount of electro smog until we learned that they would stop at the street corner and micro cell towers would beam more powerful MR into our bedrooms (which interferes with deep sleep).

This is not what I want in my city where I live in my apartment with at least six micro cell towers surrounding me.

It is time to say no to 5G microwave radiation beaming into our homes.

Send the signal directly via fibre optic cable to those homes that request it.

If we are wondering why we cannot sleep, it may be because we are asleep!

Stephen Faulkner
