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Town aims to become carbon neutral

Although admittedly unlikely in success, the Town of Lake Cowichan has committed itself to becoming carbon neutral on a corporate level by 2012.
Firefighters respond quickly to alarm

Firefighters respond quickly to alarm

Lake Cowichan volunteer firefighters responded quickly to a fire alarm at an apartment complex in town, Wednesday, July 20.
Study proves that Cowichan Lake is no toilet

Study proves that Cowichan Lake is no toilet

Tests performed on Cowichan Lake water last year prove that it’s fairly clear of fecal coliform, which is bacteria that originates in feces.

Regional district to send water stewardship resolution to the UBCM

The provincial government should be held more accountable for the upkeep of the health of British Columbia’s many watersheds.

Society joins the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce

The Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society has decided to join the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce.

Stewards of Cowichan Lake and River prepare for first AGM

With the date set, stewards of the Cowichan Lake and River are preparing for their first ever Annual General Meeting.
Accessible garbage attracts bears

Accessible garbage attracts bears

Lock up your garbage well, as bears can get into almost anything.

Largest ever Cowichan Lake fish survey nets positive results

The largest-scale fish survey on Cowichan Lake to date has yielded some interesting results.
Bonfire snuffed at Lake Cowichan Secondary School

Bonfire snuffed at Lake Cowichan Secondary School

A Thursday, July 14, bonfire at Lake Cowichan Secondary School was thwarted by the local fire department.

Boating tragedy averted at Nitinat Lake

Proper use of survival suits were instrumental in preventing a boating tragedy on Nitinat Lake, Saturday, July 9.