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Kick off August with a free art night at Station Street Gallery

Local artists Beverly Herriott and Raymond Scudder will be featured at Station Street Gallery until Aug. 15

It has been said that painting is poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific, making one worry about gravity.

Both mediums should bring art aficionados 'down' to Station Street Gallery on Aug. 1 to kick off the month with a free display of eye candy from local artists at Station Street Gallery. Until Aug. 15 the gallery will feature the works of local soft pastel artist Beverly Herriott, whose series features scenes from Vancouver Island from the perspective of a sailboat, and local marble sculptor Raymond Scudder, who carves beauty out of local island marble. Station Street Gallery owner Linda Roseneck said she was inspired to bring this type of event to her own gallery in Duncan after seeing similar successful shows of the same vein in Victoria. 

"I thought to myself that we should be doing this in Duncan because we have such fabulous local artists here," said Roseneck. "We will clear the gallery of everyone else's art and we will only show the work of the featured two artists for that two week period." 

The free exhibit will celebrate its opening night on Aug. 1 from 6 to 9 p.m. which will be complimented by music and hors d'oeuvres as 35 of Herriott's pieces will be on display to turn heads, while nearly 20 of Scudder's sculptures will spin on a turntable allowing art lovers to really take in the creative works. 

"I take a lot of joy in what I do," said Scudder.

"I think art lovers will get a greater appreciation for the dynamics and diversity of our local artists and they will be able to see a fulsome look at their art because many artists do a number of different mediums and a variety of different types of art," said Roseneck. "They might do landscapes or abstracts and you don't always get that sense of an artist by just seeing one or two of their pieces, where this way we will have a full display of their work."

Roseneck takes prides in the many art walks the gallery has done in the past, but said this will be the first time that a spotlight will shine on just one or two featured local artists in just one of their locations, and is something she is planning to continue each month going forward with even more local award-winning artists of all mediums. Roseneck said that while this initial art night and exhibit will run two weeks, going forward, local artists will have their works on display for one week.

These creative works can be seen during regular gallery hours, Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

"Every month we are going to feature one or two different local artists and we will be looking at bringing in another sculptor in the near future," said Roseneck. "We normally might have a few artists that we feature all the time, but to have all of one artist's work on display and be singular just for them is a real coup to them as an artist, because they really get to showcase their body of work."