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A celebration of creativity in Crofton

New banners are now up, bringing even more beauty to downtown Crofton

It was a lovely afternoon for celebrating creativity and community.

The new banners created by the Crofton Art Group now hang with pride from the arms of the lamp standards along Queen Street and Joan Avenue, and they were up just in time for the two-day art show that ran throughout the day on May 10 and 11.

READ MORE: Crofton Art Group celebrates 70 years of creativity

There were many in attendance at the Crofton Senior Centre for the opening of the group’s annual spring art show last Friday afternoon, as beautiful creations filled the room.

North Cowichan Mayor Rob Douglas stopped by to say a few words and to officially cut the cake that marked the milestone of seven decades for the Crofton Art Group.

Attendees of the art show had the opportunity to buy art to liven up their homes and other spaces, as the newly hung banners add even more beauty to downtown Crofton.