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Duncan nurse suspended over unauthorized accessing of patient information

Consent agreement between the B.C. College of Nurses & Midwives and Rints signed Nov. 28
Duncan nurse Lindsey Rints has lost her licence for eight months for accessing and disclosing patient health information without authorization.

Lindsey Rints, a licensed practical nurse from Duncan, has had her nursing registration suspended for eight months related to the unauthorized access and disclosure of patient health information.

An inquiry committee approved a consent agreement between the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives and Rints on Nov. 28 to address practice issues that occurred in October, 2022.

Nurses are only permitted to access personal and health information for purposes that are consistent with their professional responsibilities and are not permitted to access the health records of patients who are not in their care, the discipline notice stated.

Additionally, nurses may only disclose personal and health information as required to meet their professional responsibilities and/or as required under the law, the notice said.

Lints has voluntarily agreed to terms equivalent to a limit and/or condition on their practice, including the eight-month suspension; a reprimand; remedial education in ethics, privacy and boundaries; and a requirement to meet their professional responsibilities and/or as required under the law.

The inquiry committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public, the notice said.