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The way things were done before 911

The way things were done before 911

The following excerpts appeared in the March 31, 1948 issue of the local newspaper, the Lake Cowichan Bulletin.
Cowichan Lake students to help Japanese friends

Cowichan Lake students to help Japanese friends

First and foremost on the minds of local delegates to Lake Cowichan’s sister city of Ohtaki/Date City is helping out them out, in light of the recent earthquake and tsunami.

Town announces grant in aid recipients for 2011

The town’s elected officials have selected the recipients of this year’s grants in aid.
Volunteers recognized at annual Valley Fish and Game Banquet

Volunteers recognized at annual Valley Fish and Game Banquet

In addition to good times, the annual Fish and Game Club Banquet served to recognize some of the organization’s many volunteers.

Turmoil on Cowichan Lake during 1946's earthquake

The ground rumbled at Cowichan Lake rather significantly at roughly 10:15 a.m., Sunday, June 23rd, 1946.
Artistic school pride at LCSS

Artistic school pride at LCSS

A locker painting project at Lake Cowichan Secondary School is helping make students proud of their school.
Legion officers installed

Legion officers installed

Local radio station gets a tweaking

Local radio station gets a tweaking

Local radio station CICV 98.7-FM co-founder Brian Simpson found himself high as a kite last week. The volunteer was hard at work tweaking the radio station’s antenna in an attempt to have it both save energy and produce a clearer signal west of Lake Cowichan.

Town of Lake Cowichan works toward bike paths

The Town of Lake Cowichan has applied for a $15,000 grant to study bike paths in town.
Learning how to live long and heathy lives at Lake Cowichan Health and Wellness Fair

Learning how to live long and heathy lives at Lake Cowichan Health and Wellness Fair

Various tricks to living a long and healthy life were provided during Lake Cowichan’s annual Health and Wellness Fair, Saturday, March 5.