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Weber: How bright is your flame?

Life is a flame, and yes, it can flicker as our body gets a cold or the flu, we are in a car accident, or worse

The other day I was watching a candle burn and I realized that life in the body is a lot like a candle.

Life is a flame, and yes, it can flicker as our body gets a cold or the flu, we are in a car accident, or worse, we get a debilitating disease like cancer or diabetes. But notice that the candle always has the same flame height until it runs out of wax and dies.

So why do we as human beings expect our “flame”, our amount of life and health, to peak at age 40 and then slowly dim until at age 80 we are operating at a flicker?

The question I have for you is: are we meant to have full life in our bodies our whole life, like the candle at full flame? And could it be that it is indeed normal, healthy and actually health producing to believe that?

I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible but it’s your God-given right unless you live beside a nuclear power plant, eat toxic waste or have inherited horrible genetics.

But to have an amazing life, you have to be willing to live extraordinarily. You need to fan the flames of health with a full unimpeded breath, pure water, the cleanest bioavailable foods, resistance and aerobic exercise, and the avoidance of toxic thoughts and negativity.

And where does that flame come from anyway?

Life, that procreative flame, is generated in the brain which then sends its nerve supply, the instructions for health in the body, down the spinal cord, through the spine and out the spinal nerves to every cell in the body.

Keeping those nerves expressing 100 per cent life in the body from the brain cells to the tissue cells is our life mission.

So, I ask you, how bright is your flame burning? Don’t you deserve a full flame?

Peace, Carl.