Ladysmith’s Light Up is a festive launch for hundreds of Islanders, but what the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association (LDBA) refer to as “Light Up For Locals” is their annual Old Tyme Christmas.
The event took place Friday, Dec. 6, in Downtown Ladysmith, and was welcomed by hundreds during an evening of mild and rain free weather.
It featured visits with Santa, held at the library parking lot, and a live band in the middle of First Avenue downtown. Portable propane fire pits were common sights and youngsters also had an opportunity of having a picture taken with Gingy. The popular LDBA Christmas mascot, a ginger bread cookie, was out among the crowd to the enjoyment of youngsters and grown-ups alike. Bayview Brewing and Zacks Lounge were also part of the event hosting a mini beer garden on the street for the adults attending.
Tylor Nelson of Motus Fitness was a part of the festive market being held at the fitness location, handing out warm apple cider to the packed crowd. The market featured hot pretzels, cakes, a variety of local crafts and even face painting for the kids. The folks at the museum featured a 'magic of the season’ event and warm refreshments were on hand at Ladysmith Health Foods, the Old Time Bakery and Juniper and Sage.
“The evening was great and the hundreds of families that were in town had lots of opportunity to see all the great stores we have here,” Nelson said. “Many of the stores are going to be open late some evenings so folks can enjoy their Christmas shopping without the drive and crowds, and shopping locally benefits everyone in the community.”