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Wood burning and the alternatives

We are very careful to burn good dry wood

Wood burning and the alternatives

As the evenings get colder and we are using our airtight wood burning fireplace again, I can’t help but think I’m offending someone.

We are very careful to burn good dry wood and the smoke from our heat is very minimal on start up and relatively non existent once going — keeping us warm. It’s renewable, gives us exercise, fresh air and usually lots of laughs about living in Mexico as an alternative!

I can’t help but feel that all the “clean air” folks don’t think about the stuff in the air you can’t “smell” like exhaust from oil or other sources and the devastation to the environment that fossil fuel, hydro dams or natural gas extraction and pipelines cause.

I agree that backyard burning is past it’s time, there are better alternatives, free at waste management facilities and if someone can’t get it there perhaps there should be more spring/fall free pick-ups curbside. If there already is it should be more publicized.

Cathy Wicks
