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Taxpayer apathy to blame for status quo

I’ll tell you why in one word: apathy.

Taxpayer apathy to blame for status quo

With reference to the letter titled “My Valley I wonder why list” and all the “why this?” and “why that?” questions.

I’ll tell you why in one word: apathy.

I attended another of the CVRD open house budget meetings in Duncan the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 7 . This was the second budget meeting I had attended, the first being in Mill Bay in October where between 60 and 70 attended because our taxpayers’ association alerted them.

At both the Mill Bay and the Duncan meetings the CVRD had their CAO, their GM and their chairman plus three area directors.

And how many of the taxpaying public were there?

Two, including myself.

So write all the letters you like, moan, complain and whine, but until the taxpaying public realize that the only way change will come is if you get off your couches and attend these meetings, even for a short while, in force, to let the politicos know that they are under scrutiny.

Until then, same old same old.

Michael Wilson

Cobble Hill