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Injection site will save lives

Recently, a young man died of an overdose here in Duncan. Someone’s son, and someone’s father.

Injection site will save lives

Re: Safe injection site

I grew up the child of an alcoholic. When he was in his 60s, my dad was given a life-saving operation. I am sure the surgeon was wondering what the point of saving someone who was bent on killing himself was. However, he survived, and I was gifted with a few years of knowing my sober dad.

Recently, a young man died of an overdose here in Duncan. Someone’s son, and, most importantly, someone’s father. A little girl whose hope of a relationship with her dad is gone forever. A safe injection site would likely have saved the life of this man, and the hope of his daughter. I say, let’s get on it; I am happy to have it IMBY [in my backyard], if it means someone, somewhere can hope for a second chance with a child, a friend, a parent.

Connie Masson
