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How best to profit from cannabis

How best to profit from cannabis
Recreational marijuana soon to become legal. (Black Press file)

How best to profit from cannabis

The share of the pot tax, this is as close to eternity as we can go, the federal government has so many fiscal wizard on its pay role; Yet, it is still unable to find a way to extract the maximum amount of cash, out of a product it once spent zillions, plus thousands of man hours of the country’s finest, trying to incinerate and eradicate this weed, yet even now they cannot believe that this plant is more resistant/resilient to being killed than dandelions.

The utter dread that some in our society regard this plant as similar to the plague, herpes, or tuberculosis, ad nauseam, is nothing short of incredulous, Therefore with this in mind our government tax man is planning a death grip on the neck of this possible free enterprise, to of course make a killing (financially) After which the populace can sleep safely at night knowing that the government has scooped everyone else to the gravy!!

Where can we sell this; Who can we let buying it ? for crying out loud, spare the public from the agony of these numb bone questions, let the market guide the sales, you will still make oodles by just being the government!

George Manners

Cowichan Bay