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Godwin’s law no longer applies

The sad truth is that our society is infected with cultists dedicated to replacing democracy

Godwin’s law no longer applies

First promulgated by attorney Michael Godwin in 1990, Godwin’s law states that when a Hitler comparison is made whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress. This nonsense has been accepted and invoked throughout the internet to the point where it is now cited in the Oxford English Dictionary. The sad truth is that our society is infected with cultists dedicated to replacing democracy with a single party state based on white male supremacy, and that equates with the racist fascism known to history as Naziism.

In his excellent (and very readable) book The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard Dawkins explains how a century of research and experiment have proven the “theories” of Charles Darwin. Sadly for Mr. Godwin it has taken only 30 years for his “law” to be debunked and discredited. To quote the late Emil Mazey, “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck.” Mazey was referring to communists, but his argument crosses party lines.

In Germany the Nazi leadership understood that such hatefulness needed to be disguised, so they called themselves National Socialists. Today’s version call themselves conservatives, soiling genuine conservatives with the imposture. How else can reasoned argument differentiate the genuine conservative from the impostor without admitting that Godwin’s law no longer applies?

David Lowther

Mesachie Lake